
Pastor & Staff

Dameion P.  Roy, Sr.


Born and raised in the nation’s capital of Washington D.C., it was during those formative years in the tough streets of DC that Dameion saw the need to embrace every step of the journey as a stepping stone towards success.  God saw fit to guide Dameion's footsteps through positive people, people who took his attention off the possibility of living the life; that the enemy had planned for him.  His outlet now was music.  Dameion never thought he’d be a singer, worshipper, or even a Minister of the gospel, but again God had other plans.  After singing secular music, a conviction came over Dameion in his quite time, just then he decided that he would live TOTALLY for the Lord, now through music.
After hearing lyrics in his head for so many years, taking pen to paper and even sketching out the vocals, Dameion finally decided, after fighting with it for so long to put it all together.
In August of 2012, in a cherished setting with dedicated vocalist and producers from the DMV area, Dameion recorded the vocals and laid the tracking for his highly anticipated album, “I Believe”, to be released.  A project near to his heart, it was recorded in the same vein of the belief that accomplishments, with a spirit of devotion, come with a story of work ethics and faithfulness. That ethic and faithfulness is not lost in Dameion’s work, as it is his hope that every single listener of the project, walks away inspired to be dedicated to win.
While Dameion still doesn’t profess to be the best singer, no one can ever take his Praise and Worship that he so earnestly gives unto the Lord.  He loves what he does, and honors the Lord every time he grabs a microphone or takes a platform.  Helping lead the music ministry at his home church; Friendship Church Outreach Ministry under the leadership of Bishop Bonnie Hunter, Dameion captivates his onlookers as he goes in, ushering in the presence of the Lord.
He never forgot those humble beginnings; those strange places; that in-between space; the moment between his yesterday; and his success of today.  In that not forgetting, Dameion P. Roy is a Worship leader who is not afraid to lead and give God the Glory, and because of all that–—is blazing a trail of his own.
After serving over 20 years with Friendship Church Outreach Ministry, on September 10, 2022, Dameion was installed as Pastor of Friendship Church Outreach Ministry, Inc.  This momentous occasion was witnessed by many.

Lady Shonita Roy

Women's Ministry President

Shonita is poised with a passion for service and an undeniable ability to lead.  Whether it's leading the Women's Ministry at her home church of Friendship Church Outreach Ministries of Maryland, her daily professional work of almost 20 years at the Communication Workers of America or volunteering & participating in mentoring opportunities for young women, she embodies endurance for "no great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen." Surely, Shonita is valued for her dedication and tenacity and finds favor as a team builder.  Lady Roy has been leading the Women's Fellowship for over 10- years, with each year growing the fellowship in great attendance and power packed content.  There's nothing that these amazing Women won't tackle.
Still, she makes time to keep on learning, and she has recently returned to school at the University of Maryland's, University College (UMUC) to study management.  She also takes courses to elevate to the office of minister at her home church.  Notably, most of her joy derives from spending invaluable time with her husband, children and extended family and friends. Inspired and challenged by her mentor also mother/pastor (Bishop-Elect, Dr. Bonnie Hunter), Shonita has an intense devotion towards ministry.
Shonita, a woman with wit and passion and kinship as a change agent is well on her way to making an even greater impact on the lives that she encounters.  She is a Virtuous Christian woman who lives a Godly life and stands by the scripture that one should "be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”  (Deuteronomy 31:6 [NIV]). With this, she bravely stands committed to a life of service.
 Lady Roy stands by her husband Pastor Dameion Roy in helping lead FCOM to higher heights in the Lord.

Elder Christiona Hawkins

Youth President

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